Sat currently lives and works in Bali. His daily routine encompasses making art and other areas of visual design especially product design. Across the gambit of disciplines, we see the common theme of the beach environment. Academically speaking, Sat trained as a graphic art. In his graphics, the works of Mooi Indie often work their magic into the aspirations he includes in his art. His works often offer a sublimation of the beauty of the sunset entwined with a mixture of other emotions. We see an inclination towards geometrical objects in his work. Satria often uses found items in his media pallet. Old paper, scraps, bits and bobs and even used construction materials are fair game. For him this is a direct response to the criticism that Mooi Indie is selling beauty. Sat has often made a subtle and more often than not, hidden critique of the impact of tourism in Bali through his works. – via PROJECT BINALE